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My name is Tuan Le, and I am running for Congress in District 10 with the intent to stand up for my country. America has been moving in the wrong direction for many years and needs restructuring. American citizens have steadily lost their freedom and opportunities to grow. As an immigrant coming from a communist country, I understand the value of freedom and opportunities. I have made it my mission to stop this injustice before it is too late. 

The safety of America is constantly threatened by China due to their constant breach into our databases, taking our citizen's information, as well as critical scientific and technological discoveries. I witnessed multiple attacks and security breaches through my extensive years working in cybersecurity. My top priority is to stop China stealing, stop government corruption, focusing on preventing communist influence, and term limits in Congress and the Senate. Part of my goals is to assist the economy's growth by reducing regulations and attracting manufacturers back to America, creating more jobs and growth opportunities within our nation. We have to fix the broken education system and I believe this is the time for us to innovate and revolutionize our education system. Educators should be compensated rightfully for their work. As an engineer, I am also interested in taking advantage of our natural resources to help preserve our environment for future generations.

As a Vietnamese-American, I am well aware of the dangers of communism, and my knowledge can be an invaluable tool to Americans fighting against the China Communist Party. 

My platform aims to Make America Safe First through:

-Stop China Stealing (CCP)


-Fighting Government Corruption

-Term Limit for House & Senate

-Focusing on creating better Jobs and Opportunities

-Develop strategies to Reduce Crime

-Education Revolution & Increase of Compensation for Educators

-Stop Illegal Immigration & Secure Our Border

-Low-cost medicine

-Increase Retirement benefit

-Better Environment for future generations

-Affordable Housing for All

Together, we can make America better for Americans. Restart America!

Right to Free Speech and Right to Bear Arms

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